We just received this email from Microsoft adCenter:
Dear Content Ads pilot participant,
You can experience new time-saving features within the Microsoft adCenter beta site, which will update over the next few days.
What's new in the adCenter beta site?
Using the adCenter beta site is now easier and more efficient. The updates provide you with improved campaign management, navigation, and reporting. You can: - Save time importing campaigns. Directly import your campaign structure from other search advertising programs into adCenter. Update your existing campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keyword bids and match types using a single Microsoft Excel or CSV file.
- Preview your ads on Live Search. Visualize how your ads will show up on Live Search with Ad Preview in the ad list.
- Search within your campaigns. Full text search allows you to easily find ads, keywords, ad groups, accounts, or campaigns that contain all or part of a query string.
- Manage keywords faster. Edit keywords in bulk to simultaneously change settings for all keywords or delete poor-performing keywords from your campaigns.
- One click adCenter dataset downloads. Download your adCenter datasets into Excel with one click—making campaign management that much simpler.
Learn more about how you can save time with these updates—read the adCenter blog post and watch our webinar. As a Content Ads pilot advertiser, you have a first-hand opportunity to use these time-saving improvements in the adCenter beta site. If you have any questions, please visit our support center.
The Microsoft adCenter Team
Let's hope that these upgrades will do what they promise. I have not been very happy with the interface and the ability to manage keywords easily. Check out Shoemoney's
rant to see what has everyone so upset with Microsoft adCenter